The first stills from the Wachowskis' Speed Racer are out! And, well, they're not what I'd expected from the filmmakers who gave us The Matrix. A little disappointing for me then, because I thought it would be a little dark, a lot stylish, a bit more realistic, somewhat like the kind of look they'd been going for in The Matrix and even V For Vendetta.
But, wait, what's this? If I hadn't known it was the Wachowskis, I'd think Speed Racer's a Tim Burton movie! The colours, the brightness, the camp! It looks like an updated 80s Tron meets Charlie And The Chocolate Factory meets Talladega Nights!
Looks like they - like the makers of Sin City and 300 and Scooby Doo and other cartoon/comics adaptations - are going the "full homage to source" way in terms of aesthetics. Sigh.
Check out the stills here.